

Murder Charges in California — What Criminal Defenses Apply

Facing Murder Charges In California In a tragic incident involving a suspect with a long criminal history in California, a beloved Los Angeles County Sheriff was murdered while attempting to detain the suspect in response to  a residential burglary call.   The shooting took place on Wednesday October 5, 2016.  Deputy Owen, a 29 [...]

By |October 8th, 2016|Criminal Defense, Death Penalty, los angeles criminal attorney, Misdemeanor Charges, Murder, Murder Charges, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Murder Charges in California — What Criminal Defenses Apply

Moving a Criminal Case to Another County — Los Angeles Criminal Attorney

When facing serious criminal charges the location of the prosecution will unfortunately have an effect on the ability to get a positive result including getting a criminal case dismissed, reduced or getting an acquittal from a jury.  It is no secret that Los Angeles County is less conservative than Orange or Ventura County.  Even within [...]

By |September 15th, 2016|Assault, Burglary, Changing Venue, Criminal Defense, Felony, Gun Charges, los angeles criminal attorney, Misdemeanor Charges, Murder, Sexual Assault Crimes, Theft Crimes, Uncategorized, Violent Crimes|Comments Off on Moving a Criminal Case to Another County — Los Angeles Criminal Attorney

Injured in Jail While Fighting a California Criminal Case

In my over 25 years of practicing law, my firm has represented defendants charged with serious felonies in California.  In many of those cases, bail is set at such a high number that Defendant’s will need to wait in jail until there case is resolved by either dismissal, trial or a plea bargain.   Whether you [...]

By |August 22nd, 2016|Assault, Criminal Defense, Injured in Jail, los angeles criminal attorney, Uncategorized, Violent Crimes|Comments Off on Injured in Jail While Fighting a California Criminal Case

Failure to Appear on Felony Charges in California

Los Angeles criminal defendant fled a Long Beach courthouse at a hearing wherein he was told he was facing charges of aggravated mayhem which could lead to a 15 years to life prison sentence in a California State prison.  Abel Munguia was in court on a hearing while out of custody on bail facing assault with [...]

By |August 12th, 2016|Criminal Defense, Felony, los angeles criminal attorney, Misdemeanor Charges, Skipping Bail, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Failure to Appear on Felony Charges in California

Consequences of Gang Enhancement Charges In California 

Throughout my 20 year career representing persons in criminal cases in California including Los Angeles, Palmdale, West Covina, Pomona, Ontario and many other cities, I have found that prosecutors often times improperly and unnecessarily charge defendants with gang enhancements in a felony prosecution.  Such gang enhancements or related charges in felony cases should be vigorously [...]

By |October 30th, 2015|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Consequences of Gang Enhancement Charges In California 